You are Felix Einhart, magi-in-training of the 7th ring of the Northern Sub-Tower of the Magna Academy of Magic. Renowned prodigy. Star pupil. Cocky...
SuperPowered is a RPG game made with Ren’py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : add version 0.03.00.
Becoming a fem*** (previously Becoming a Trap - working title for now) is a game about young *** Austyn, who decided to travel to parallel universe,...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : added linux version.
A back to his countryside to continue his study. Let's follow him to enjoy beautiful rural life. Censored: No Version: bugfix + save +...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : added mod.
The Inn tells the story of down on his luck kind of guy. He's been living by himself in the big city ever since his father kicked him out of his...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : add chapter 2 version 1.01.03.
Overview: You play the role of Sir Patrik of Akros, a charismatic, handsome and middle aged (for the times) Knight that set by bonds of loyalty and...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : add version 0.24.d.
You got transfered to Karakura High School. A new school, yet it looks the same as every other. When going home one day, you stop to get groceries...
Overview: This game is about a 37yo man, who lives in a big house with Rosie (daughter) and Lucy (sister). Rosie is a 19 yo beautiful blonde. She...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : add version 0.6.6.
A young man from a low-income family moves away from his widowed father and his summer love to attend college at Burgmeister & Royce. As he is...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : added mod.
- In a world of demanding women, you need to be at the top of your game. - After you apparently disobeyed your Mistress by saving a young-woman, s...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : Added v0.03.06 Free.
This is a visual novel about the protagonist and his wife, a newly married couple and the unexpected arrival of a young man into their lives. The...
Updated : 29-Oct-2024 Reason : added version 0.38.
Young punks in a rotten city A corporate castle town whose citizens’ entire lives are run by the company, from birth through to death. In this town,...